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RenaSe Mujer a tu Propósito

Sana tu Ser y Gesta a la Mujer Extraordinaria que viniste a Ser

Asistimos a un emocionante momento, en el que crece exponencialmente el número de mujeres deseosas y comprometidas de emprender su viaje hacia el autoconocimiento, la sanación  y el crecimiento personal.

Cada día somos más consientes de la urgencia de crear una sociedad mas humana y consciente que podamos legar a nuestros hijos y nietos y para ello es necesario dar el Si decidido a la hermosa tarea de armonizar nuestros vínculos como hijas, hermanas, nietas, madres, compañeras y abuelas.  

Si has llegado a este espacio es porque tu sabiduría interna te ha guiado hasta aquí y ahora es el momento oportuno para emprender este viaje heroico para acompañar a morir a la mujer en minúsculas que sientes que has venido siendo, para poder gestar a esa Mujer Extraordinaria que quiere RenaSer en ti.

Para este viaje hacia los desconocido, requieres de un mapa que te guíe por el camino del amor, y provea de  una buena fuente de luz a tu sabio corazón, para que te permita iluminar las sombras de lo que yace en las memorias del pasado.

También precisarás de una maleta de herramientas que te permitan entender y conectar en el poder de tu cuerpo energético, de tu cuerpo mental, de tu cuerpo emocional y de tu cuerpo físico. Eres Fuego, Aire, Agua y Tierra y cuando unes esos cuatro cuerpos, o esos cuatro poderes puedes dar forma a la vida, así como lo hace la madre vida en la tierra.

Date el regalo de viajar acompañada de las extraordinarias mujeres de esta comunidad, que como tú se sienten convocadas a la cita para crear un nuevo tiempo.

Llego el momento de emprender la aventura de sanar entre mujeres sabias que transforman creciendo, gozando, y haciendo magia juntas para RenaSer a  la Mujer extraordinaria en la que soñaron convertirse.

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Sesiones 1 a 1, Formaciones y Programas Terapéuticos que te permitirán evolucionar ayudándote a trascender el dolor, el stress y el sufrimiento de forma práctica y efectiva.


Coaching, Cursos y Programas

energía | mente | emoción | cuerpo

nurture your soul

expand your awareness


  •  Full Moon Ceremony
     Full Moon Ceremony
    Membership Offer
    vie, 30 oct
    Online Event
    30 oct 2020, 18:00
    Online Event
    30 oct 2020, 18:00
    Online Event
    Fill your emotions with Divine Light
  • Sound Healing Bath
    Sound Healing Bath
    dom, 25 oct
    25 oct 2020, 19:00 – 22:30
    ElephantYogi , Strada sfintilor nr.6, Mansarda, 021063 Bucarest, Rumania
    25 oct 2020, 19:00 – 22:30
    ElephantYogi , Strada sfintilor nr.6, Mansarda, 021063 Bucarest, Rumania
    With Sonoterra Ensemble and Sumeia Ananda
  • New Moon October 2020
    New Moon October 2020
    Membership Offer
    vie, 16 oct
    Online Event
    16 oct 2020, 19:00 – 23:00
    Online Event
    16 oct 2020, 19:00 – 23:00
    Online Event
    An extraordinary experience of inner power and creativity
  • Reborn Woman Program
    Reborn Woman Program
    lun, 05 oct
    05 oct 2020, 19:00 – 29 mar 2021, 21:00
    05 oct 2020, 19:00 – 29 mar 2021, 21:00
    Rebirth in Grace and Awareness of your Feminine Powers Online Program (6 months) By Sumeia Ananda (Colombia) Transpersonal Psycholigist, Medicine Woman.
  • Listen your Heart | Cacao Ceremony
    Listen your Heart | Cacao Ceremony
    vie, 02 oct
    Elephantyogi Studio
    02 oct 2020, 19:00 – 22:00
    Elephantyogi Studio, Mansarda, Strada Sfinților nr. 6, București 021063, Romania
    02 oct 2020, 19:00 – 22:00
    Elephantyogi Studio, Mansarda, Strada Sfinților nr. 6, București 021063, Romania
    Clear your Mind. Your heart is trying to tell you Something
  • Feminine Wisdom Circle.
    Feminine Wisdom Circle.
    dom, 27 sept
    27 sept 2020, 18:00 – 20:00
    27 sept 2020, 18:00 – 20:00
    From Inner confusion to Self-Love.
Image by Ilze Lucero

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About Sumeia Ananda


I am Sumeia Ananda, I was born in Colombia, a place where I remembered thanks to the teachings of wise tribes with whom I lived for 11 years that I am a daughter of the earth, a daughter of the sun and Co-creator of the Multiverse. 

The name I chose to walk my Conscious life represents the purpose for which I chose Reborn: To learn and share how to Shine in the darkness from the consciousness of the Supreme Bliss

Sumeia means Star in the Kogi language (Colombian indigenous people who still live in an ancestral way protecting spiritually and energetically the heart of the earth, located in the snowy mountain of Santa Marta, on the Colombian Caribbean coast) and Ananda (Sanskrit) means joy, bliss, higher joy, the highest virtue the Self can reach.

I have 20 years of experience in the field of human transformation, both practicing and sharing it. 

I am a specialist in healing practices that can stop suffering by providing the tools for people to learn to live Conscious of their close relationship with Divine Grace. This has been a mastery that I have developed throughout my life.

I am an inexhaustible explorer of the ancestral and modern energetic wisdom (ancestral indigenous medicine, quantum physics, new medicine) that has allowed me to create a set of Multidimensional Psychology Practices (physical, emotional, mental and energetic). 

I trained as a Transpersonal Psychologist and initiated myself as a Medicine Woman (traditional healer) according to the Andean Cosmovision, in philosophy and shamanic practice through the incorporation of conscious magic, life forces (earth, water, air, fire) and Divine Energies. I also trained as a teacher of kundalini yoga and meditation and researcher of body intelligence, intuitive movement, science of sound and vibration.

The unique practices that I share in my individual and group sessions involve the science of breathing, conscious movement, psychomagic, collective intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence integrating very powerful forms of meditation (Active and Passive) and Emotional Reprogramming.

I love to design and produce mystical experiences (Programs, Workshops, Cacao Ceremonies, Soul journeys, TranscenDance meditations, Wisdom Circles, retreats, initiations) that facilitate people to reconnect with the voice of their Own Consciousness, Will and the wisdom of their heart to access magically to the source of Grace, from which it is more harmonious to evolve as the Diamond that each one came to BE.

Image by Zalmen Pollak

Smaranda Doucet

After several sessions with Sumeia Ananda I understand why she is called a “Life Coach”. It is because she teaches you to experience life differently by helping you to design a new life, the one that you always wanted. With lots of peace, harmony and love in it.

With grace, lots of love and no judgment at all, she guides you, using scientific and spiritual teachings, to find your path, to open your heart, to experience life in a joyful manner, pushing the mind’s boundaries with and towards unconditional love. Few persons in my life have touched my heart so deeply and succeded to bring light in the deepest corner of my soul, like she did.

Sumeia Ananda

is the embodiment of the lost feminine wisdom, reminding us to honour our ancestors, to connect with Mother Nature, to connect with ourselves and, in this way, to honour the precious gift of life that was given to us.

Thank you, you have your place in my heart, I love you !

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El Cacao y la Sabiduria del Corazon. Sumeia Ananda y Cătălin Milea

Ceremonia Meditacion de luna llena, Wesak mayo 2020

New Moon 🌚 Cacao Ceremony. With Catalin and Sumeia.

Interested in working with Sumeia Ananda?

0749 234 217

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